Frog Spirit Sign
The frog as spirit animal or totem reminds us of the transient nature of our lives. As symbol of transition and transformation, this spirit animal supports us in times of change. Strongly associated with the water element, it connects us with the world of emotions and feminine energies, as well as the process of cleansing, whether it’s physical, emotional, or more spiritual or energetic.
Frog Spirit Sign Symbolism
The symbolism of the frog appears in many traditions around the globe. This animal is generally associated with the water element and its cleansing attributes. The frog is symbolic of:
The Frog Spirit Sign, Symbolic of Cleansing
It is said that the frog is symbolic of the cleansing. You can call on the frog spirit to support you in clearing negativity and “toxic” energies. The frog being associated with water, it may be a good spirit animal to call for emotional release.
Perhaps it indicates you need to “detoxify and take care of your health differently. Or it encourages you to release your emotions or carefully at how you spend your energy in relationship to others or some matters of concern in your life.
Cleansing might also mean that the frog spirit animal inspires you to renew your perspective or vision. If the frog shows up in your life as a spirit guide, it may encourage you to clear old opinions and beliefs to adopt a new stance or perspective.
The Frog Spirit a Sign and Rebirth
The frog totem symbolizes the cycles of life, in particular the rebirth stage. Its own journey through life, from tadpole to the adult state, reminds us of the many cycles of transformation and rebirth in our lives.The symbolism of the frog as animal associated with birth and rebirth can be traced in Ancient Egypt, Ancient Rome and other cultures from antiquity. The frog was a popular symbol for fertility, as well as rebirth or resurrection. For example, in the Ancient Egypt mythology, the frog was associated with resurrection; the Roman Venus, goddess of Love, was often depicted with a frog.
The Frog Spirit Sign, Symbol of Transformation
The frog is an amphibian and goes easily from water to earth during its life. By extension, it has been often revered as a symbol of transition. If you see the frog as your animal totem or spirit guide, you may be called to experience change in your life. Those changes might be with regards to how you lead your life and can also be of spiritual nature.
Call on the frog spirit animal to guide you through times of transition and help you smoothly go from one state to the next. It will support your transformation or metamorphosis in a subtle yet powerful way.
The Frog Spirit Sign, Mystery and Magic
The ability to go from water to earth is characteristic of the frog. Those who have the frog as a spirit animal or totem might be inclined to walk between planes, whether they are physical, spiritual or emotional, and enjoy playing with the magic of life and nature.
This animal being active at night, it is often seen as the favorite animal of the arts of the dark and witchcraft. By extension, this totem animal is associated with life mysteries and familiarity with the unknown.
The Frog Spirit Sign and the Affinity with the Water Element
In the Native American tradition, the frog is often seen as a rain maker. Many shamanic traditions call the frog in connection to the rain and to control the weather patterns.
Since the frog is strongly associated with the water where she spend a lot of her life, this spirit animal is also connected to moon energy and the moon goddess. The fact that it’s active at night reinforces this association. For those who feel an affinity with the frog as personal totem, you may be at ease with the world of intuition, feminine energies, and the magic of nature and the elements.
Do you have more questions than answers? Or are you seeking spiritual advice? The best way to get answers is to contact Naples Mindfulness & Metaphysical Center, New Age Spiritual Awareness Counselors.
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