Dragonfly Spirit Sign

Dragonfly Spirit Sign Meaning
The dragonfly is generally associated with the symbolic meaning of transformation. Here are common meanings for this animal totem:
- Change and transformation
- Adaptability
- Joy, lightness of being
- Symbol of the realm of emotions, invitation to dive deeper into your feeling
- Being on the lookout for illusions and deceits, whether are external or personal
- Connection with nature’s spirits, fairies realms
Dragonfly Spirit Sign Wisdom and Change
When this spirit animal shows up in your life, it’s an indication that it’s time for change. Just like the dragonfly changes colors as it matures, you may be called to live and experience yourself differently. Stay open to the enfoldment of your personal journey.
Dragonfly as Power Spirit Sign and Adaptability
You can call on the dragonfly power animal when you’re stuck in a situation and need assistance to gain a new perspective. The solution might lay in your ability to adapt and tackle the issue from a different angle.
Lightness and Emotional Flexibility, Two Characteristics of the Dragonfly Spirit Sign
The dragonfly is often seen around water, ponds or on the edge of a river or lake. It symbolizes the affinity with the realm of feelings, water being a powerful symbol for emotions and the unconscious. If the spirit of the dragonfly comes to you, you may be called to explore your emotions in a light and joyful manner.
Dragonfly Spirit Signs and the Search for Personal Authenticity
The dragonfly is a fascinating animal characterized by the beauty of its colors, the lightness of its wings and its scintillating body. The meaning of this power animal is associated with the symbolism of light, but also illusion.
Those who have the dragonfly as a spirit animal may be encouraged to show their true colors more often and shine. Even if they may be more discreet than let’s say the peacock, they often exert a fascinating influence and arouse curiosity in others.
When the dragonfly shows up in your life, it’s perhaps time to look through illusion. A situation or someone’s intentions are not clear and may be deceiving.
Dragonfly Spirit Signs and the Connection with the Spirits of Nature
Animal of wonder, the dragonfly can bring forth the enchanting spirit of our own nature. When you see this spirit animal, allow yourself to open up to the magic of nature and the elements.
Dragonfly Spirit Signs Symbolism in the World and Ancient Traditions
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